A Place of Sacramental Grace
As a Parish Family we meet Christ in the seven Sacraments of the Church. Through His Death and Resurrection, Jesus comes to share with us Divine Life.
Penance & Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Penance (also known as Confession) can help believers renew their vows with God. For people who have lost their way in the holy path of life, sacraments are a virtuous option to get back on track and remember our mission towards God. Come to Cathedral Parish of Saint Patrick for confession, and always remember that God's mercy is forever available through the hands of His priests.
Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Baptisms are a big turning point in any Christian’s life. Celebrate yours at Cathedral Parish of Saint Patrick, and make it a beautiful and holy occasion. Certain sacraments are not the same without your loved ones around. That is why we offer each member the option to reserve our space for each of their sacraments — because family should be there for the most important moments in life.